Dario Venneri


I'm Dario, this website is a short summary of my activity as a web developer based in Italy. In 1999 when I was a kid I figured out that I could connect to a web host using this FTP thing, drop HTML files and they would magically be reachable by everyone!

In my teens I founded a website that gathered italian indie game developers (before being an indie game developer was a named thing) called makerando where we hosted hundreds of games and discussions among one thousand gamers and indie developers. In my 20s I mostly created ad-funded content websites that served thousands of users daily plus the occasional consultancy on the side (e-commerce, publishing and local business websites).

Right now I'm offering my expertise as a freelance web developer.

What I'm currently using in production:

A few screenshots

A few screenshots from fullstack projects that I'm contractually allowed to share.

Although "just" a game site, TestDivertenti hides a good degree of complexity both in the design of the interface and in the backend. WordPress has been used as a base, then plugins have been developed to let authors write quiz and tests fast and without error. The theme has been made to satisfy the need to sell advertising without irritating the user which stay on site enough to satisy his request and exit via ads.

Headless CMS written in Laravel, it mostly replicates common CMS features (tags, categories, image uploads, author/editor roles, content ownership, etc) but it adds custom fields and wizards in the admin panel to guide the authors in making content. This CMS has been created from scratch for a public institution .

Although we all like to make money, it's important for programmers to make things just to scratch an itch so to speak. I was really unsatisfied with the apps for HIIT/Tabata, so I made an HIIT/Tabata Timer App that works without having to install anything on the phone. Technology used are AlpineJS and Tailwind.